Water General Laboratory (State General Laboratory)

Research Infrastructure (RI) Name: Water General Laboratory – WG Lab
Mission: The Laboratory implements a national monitoring program in order to ensure that the drinking and the natural mineral water quality satisfy the requirements of the respective Directives:

    o Compliance Control and Monitoring Programs for Drinking Water quality according to Directive 98/83/EC,
    o Directive 2003/40/EE (The Natural Mineral Waters Regulations of 2002-2006)
    o Surface Water Monitoring Programs according to article 8 of Water Frame Directive 2000/60 EE
    o Monitoring Programme of Fresh Waters needing protection or improvement according to Directive 2006/44/EC.
Objective: To satisfy the legal limits of the drinking water directives and the early response to potential dangers to human health.
Research Services provided:
    o Official control and monitoring of the chemical quality of drinking water supplied from the Water Distribution Networks mobile water containers, vending machines as well as bottled water (table, spring and natural mineral water) aiming in the protection of Public Health. The chemical control includes the whole procedure of drinking water production e.g. from Water Treatment and Water Desalination plants up to consumers tap. Moreover, the monitoring control applies both to ground and surface water intended for drinking.
Main Equipment Used:
    o ICP/MS, IC/Conductivity, IC/Amperometric LC/MS/MS, ICP, UV-Vis, TOC, Flame Photometer

    Research Category:Chemistry and Materials
      - Analytical Facilities
      - Chemical Libraries and Screening Facilities
    Main Priorities:Official control and monitoring of the chemical quality of drinking water supplied from the Water Distribution Networks mobile water containers, vending machine as well as bottled water (table, spring and natural mineral water) aiming in the protection of Public Health. The chemical control includes the whole procedure of drinking water production e.g. from Water Treatment and Water Desalination plants up to consumers tap. Moreover, the monitoring control applies both to ground and surface water intended for drinking.
    Hosting Legal Entity:Name: State General Laboratory (SGL)
    Address: 44 Kimonos Str., 1451 Nicosia, Cyprus
    Telephone Number: +35722809112/115
    Email Address: info@sgl.moh.gov.cy
    Equipment of RI For more information regarding the RI (including equipment) please click the attachment below.
    RI Contact Person:Name: Dr. Georgia Kyriacou
    Title: Chemist
    Address: 44 Kimonos Str., 1451 Nicosia, Cyprus
    Telephone Number: +35722809146
    Email Address: gkyriacou@sgl.moh.gov.cy

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